CEC Artslink presents Publicly Creative: A Public Art Workshop. Public art is a fast-growing discipline with many unexplored opportunities for artists and communities. This workshop is a hands-on intensive introduction to the field, outlining resources, logistics, opportunities, and examples of successful collaborations. Recognizing artistic initiative as a valuable asset and a catalyst for a dialogue and transformation, we will explore how site-specific collaborations in varied cultural, geographic and political areas can influence business, social awareness and economic development. Encouraging close inspection of the particular issues faced by a specific New York community chosen by the participants, the workshop and the resulting public art work(s) will provide a unique platform for the participants and the public to explore and appropriate the city’s landscapes.

May 12, 2011

'Something' project

I invite everyone to participate in this performance - a chorus/soundscape of the word 'something.'

We will each pre-record our voices repeating the word 'something' on portable playback devices (iphones, tape recorder, etc.) I will record the word 'what?'

Dispersed along the subway station platform on Friday afternoon, our bodies (pockets, bags, etc) will speak the word 'something', at staggered intervals.

The performance will be documented on video.

Budget: 5, $10 mini portable/pocket speakers = $100
in-kind: 5 additional speakers, player devices, performers' time, camera/cameraperson

exact location: TBA

*I would love for a subway musician to improvise a musical component to this - an instrument speaking the word 'something'. Jessica, I'd be very interested in your input/collaboration

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