CEC Artslink presents Publicly Creative: A Public Art Workshop. Public art is a fast-growing discipline with many unexplored opportunities for artists and communities. This workshop is a hands-on intensive introduction to the field, outlining resources, logistics, opportunities, and examples of successful collaborations. Recognizing artistic initiative as a valuable asset and a catalyst for a dialogue and transformation, we will explore how site-specific collaborations in varied cultural, geographic and political areas can influence business, social awareness and economic development. Encouraging close inspection of the particular issues faced by a specific New York community chosen by the participants, the workshop and the resulting public art work(s) will provide a unique platform for the participants and the public to explore and appropriate the city’s landscapes.

May 24, 2011

Everywhere: Children's Drawings

On Monday May 16th, 2011 at 12am, my friends and I headed to the financial district in Manhattan. We had with us sixty copies of children's drawings, two containers of wheat paste, a brush, a camera and a mission. Our mission - to paste the drawings on walls (and other architectural surfaces) and not getting caught - we succeeded. Here's the proof.

1 comment:

  1. We have a Children's Drama/Art and music project for the children in
    our Dundori Orphans Project.
    Is it possible to get partners,sponsors,advisors and donors in
    internationally to assist these orphans and disadvantaged children
    develop their talents in drama,art and music?

    Kindest regards,

    Nicholas Ng'ang'a
    Dundori Orphans Project
    Education Supplements International
    P.O Box 3305
    Phone:020 3528347
