CEC Artslink presents Publicly Creative: A Public Art Workshop. Public art is a fast-growing discipline with many unexplored opportunities for artists and communities. This workshop is a hands-on intensive introduction to the field, outlining resources, logistics, opportunities, and examples of successful collaborations. Recognizing artistic initiative as a valuable asset and a catalyst for a dialogue and transformation, we will explore how site-specific collaborations in varied cultural, geographic and political areas can influence business, social awareness and economic development. Encouraging close inspection of the particular issues faced by a specific New York community chosen by the participants, the workshop and the resulting public art work(s) will provide a unique platform for the participants and the public to explore and appropriate the city’s landscapes.

June 11, 2011

Hi publically creators,

It was a real pleasure to visit the blog after quite some time and review all the projects. I think each project is so delicately executed. It's high season at THE POINT and I have put up two exhibitions and have been completely swamped. Invites to follow.

I would also like to put out to you an invite to our Hunts Point Fish Parade on June 25th. This playful bit of public art highlights the pathway from one lovely park to another and points to an urban design problem that we seek to solve, -- the rough industrial terrain that joins the two. I think almost every project in the workshop would work along the parade's path. And with a certain critical mass would make for a much more pleasant and intriguing walk for the residents after you have all left your marks. http://thepoint.org/events.php?event=214

In the meantime I wanted to let you all know that JR is doing an action in Hunts Point. To remind you, Kendal showed us some of his work; he makes black and white portraits of people who live in a neighborhood, blows them up and pastes them on building facades and walls. He chooses often tough neighborhoods like the favelas in Rio...

Our project is about the mothers of hunts point and their ever expanding force in keeping it all together in the inner city. We are scouting locations and doing the photo shoots now. I would like to invite you all to the pasting which will be from June 26-29 I think. I will keep you posted.

On a technical note, I was unable to upload image or videos. Any thoughts? Also I am not able to go back to the first postings.

Best, Carey

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